
Il s’agit, dans ce blog, de partager avec vous un peu plus sur mon travail de créatrice française et independent.

I talk to you about my daily life in my workshop in Corsica, about my creative processof my responsible production of sustainable toys, I advise you on gifts for babies and children...

Eucalyptus branch
Love and mimosa

De l’amour et du mimosa

Dear all, I'm sending you sweet little mimosa pompons to delight your little hearts. Happy Love Day! Your encouragement and support are precious to me, and I'm infinitely grateful. Love is the only possible response to these realities that are greater than ourselves...

Petites Formes: a virtuous initiative

Petites Formes: a virtuous initiative

“Soyez le changement que vous voulez voir dans ce monde” Ghandi Cette citation de Gandhi nous rappelle que pour créer des changements positifs dans le monde, nous devons commencer par nous changer nous-mêmes. Au lieu d’attendre que les autres agissent, nous devons incarner les valeurs et les comportements que nous souhaitons voir se propager. Si…

The merry robin Atelier Petites Formes
Games & toys

The merry robin Atelier Petites Formes

Le rouge-gorge Petites Formes s’élève fièrement dans l’air, capturant l’attention par sa beauté et sa délicatesse. Réalisé à la main avec amour et minutie, ce ravissant oiseau est confectionné en feutrine de laine, matériau respectueux de l’environnement. Sa silhouette aux teintes chaleureuses et vibrantes donne vie à ce rouge-gorge, rehaussant instantanément toute pièce où il…

My first Christmas market
Workshop life

My first Christmas market

Ma journée commence tôt, les premiers rayons du soleil se lèvent doucement entre les montagnes, je rejoins Agathe qui m’accompagne dans cette nouvelle aventure et hop! Direction Moltifao!  Je m’installe avec soin sur mon stand, exposant mes créations faites à la main avec tout mon amour.  Les animaux en feutrine de laine que je confectionne…

Corsican chestnut handicraft object
Workshop life

Castagnina x Small Shapes

When we started dreaming up projects together, it was our love of trees, leaves and bugs that guided us, and the first prototypes were born! Today, we're proud that our collaboration has already produced a number of wonders using felt chestnuts: wreaths for our little ones, soft toys for toddlers, and brooches for the...

Cumulonimbus seen from the observation window for free toys

Manifeste pour des jouets libres, des jouets sains pour l’enfant

Dès que le souhait d’être maman s’est fixé très fort dans mon cœur, j’ai naturellement eu envie de fabriquer des petits objets, des mobiles, des jouets libres, des poupons de chiffon, des compagnons en feutrine pour mon enfant. Des jouets spontanés comme on griffonnerait une idée sur un papier volant pour ne pas oublier. Ne…

Is producing new objects in our world of overconsumption and overproduction green?

Is producing new objects in our world of overconsumption and overproduction green?

Spring has arrived, and with it its share of existential and important questions. Atelier Petites Formes blew out its first candle in February 2023 and I'm grateful to you for accompanying me on this artistic, creative and independent adventure. This spring is therefore a time for me to take stock, to grow from my first experience and to...

Dachshund dog in pure wool felt
Workshop life

Happy New Year 2023!

I would like to take the opportunity of this brand new little dachshund dog to wish you a beautiful year 2023! May it be full of play and creativity, joy and mischief!✨ Thank you for accompanying me here and supporting me in my first year of Small Shapes workshop. I am so happy to have made all these animals for your children...

Eco-responsible toys for Christmas

Eco-responsible toys for Christmas

Buying less but buying better is one of the bases of minimalism but it also rhymes with economy and ecology. Buying less is, in fact, having more budget, which then allows us to encourage small companies with ethical and eco-responsible values that charge fair prices in terms of production methods, treatment of employees, etc.

My participation in the Inktober 2022 challenge
Workshop life

My participation in the Inktober 2022 challenge

This autumn, I had fun participating in the well-known challenge for illustrators and designers; Inktober. It's a challenge that takes place mainly on Instagram. I wanted to take advantage of the excitement of the month of October with this #inktober challenge to show you my Small Shapes in a different way. If you don't know this challenge, here it is...

My study path

My study path

J’ai un cursus Art depuis le lycée. J’ai obtenu un Bac Art Appliqué et j’ai étudié la céramique à l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art Duperré, Paris. Après ce diplôme des métiers d’art en poche, j’ai continué en équivalence une licence d’Art Plastique ensuite je suis entrée à l’école supérieure des beaux-arts du Mans où j’ai obtenu DNAP…

Three elegant feathers in the palm of your hand

A walk in the forest

Here, around our house, it is the maquis, hazelnut groves, chestnut groves... We have found an ideal path for walks with a young child without it being a mountain with protruding stones, with steep ascents and descents... It is a very small wood near a very small Careggia village, it is a very small wood with a very small...

Games & toys | Workshop life


The toys of Atelier Petites Formes are made of natural and renewable materials, made with great care here in Corsica. Toys that encourage imaginative play and accompany children throughout their development. Wool is a natural, renewable and recyclable material. I imagine the toys as durable objects that will accompany children throughout their development.

Games & toys | Workshop life


Atelier Petites Formes toys are entirely hand sewn and embroidered. Each model is made with great care, passion and conviction, and slight variations make each piece unique, authentic and vibrant. They are the proof of a handmade work. This is a quality of workmanship that cannot be found in a factory....

Branding Atelier Petites Formes
Workshop life

Energy efficiency

I thought of my modest business with the taste to value slowness and sobriety. I chose online sales and social networks to develop my project. Posting a video on Instagram, or shipping my toys around the world is not without consequences on the environment. The visual identity of Atelier Petites Formes created by...

What is a free toy?
Games & toys

What is a free toy?

The free toy is simple and minimal, allowing the child to project his or her own worlds, characters, emotions and stories. The child decides how to play with the toy. The free toy can be a doll or an animal figure with a neutral expression. It can be...

Mimosa against a blue sky
Games & toys | Workshop life

The colours of spring

Here in Corsica, free and wild nature is part of our immediate environment and we live very close to it with an ever renewed interest. We love to observe the new grasses that have just sprouted, to observe the flowers, to photograph the trees. Writing a poem about the starry night or a song about the poplars. Here...

Why give your child a felt ball made by Atelier Petites Formes
Games & toys

Why give your child a felt ball made by Atelier Petites Formes

The atelier petites formes balls are suitable for babies and children of all ages. Free and timeless toys, they will accompany their games and their motor skills. A simple and beautiful toy The balls are made of felted wool guaranteed Oeko-Tex 100, i.e. without chemical treatments, they comply with "toy" standards. Stuffed with natural wool from the...