My first Christmas market

My first Christmas market

Ma journée commence tôt, les premiers rayons du soleil se lèvent doucement entre les montagnes, je rejoins Agathe qui m’accompagne dans cette nouvelle aventure et hop! Direction Moltifao!  Je m’installe avec soin sur mon stand, exposant mes créations faites à la main avec tout mon amour.  Les animaux en feutrine de laine que je confectionne…

Dachshund dog in pure wool felt

Happy New Year 2023!

I would like to take the opportunity of this brand new little dachshund dog to wish you a beautiful year 2023! May it be full of play and creativity, joy and mischief!✨ Thank you for accompanying me here and supporting me in my first year of Small Shapes workshop. I am so happy to have made all these animals for your children...

My participation in the Inktober 2022 challenge

My participation in the Inktober 2022 challenge

This autumn, I had fun participating in the well-known challenge for illustrators and designers; Inktober. It's a challenge that takes place mainly on Instagram. I wanted to take advantage of the excitement of the month of October with this #inktober challenge to show you my Small Shapes in a different way. If you don't know this challenge, here it is...



The toys of Atelier Petites Formes are made of natural and renewable materials, made with great care here in Corsica. Toys that encourage imaginative play and accompany children throughout their development. Wool is a natural, renewable and recyclable material. I imagine the toys as durable objects that will accompany children throughout their development.



Atelier Petites Formes toys are entirely hand sewn and embroidered. Each model is made with great care, passion and conviction, and slight variations make each piece unique, authentic and vibrant. They are the proof of a handmade work. This is a quality of workmanship that cannot be found in a factory....

Branding Atelier Petites Formes

Energy efficiency

I thought of my modest business with the taste to value slowness and sobriety. I chose online sales and social networks to develop my project. Posting a video on Instagram, or shipping my toys around the world is not without consequences on the environment. The visual identity of Atelier Petites Formes created by...

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