Mimosa against a blue sky

The colours of spring

Here in Corsica, free and wild nature is part of our immediate environment and we live very close to it with an ever renewed interest. We love to observe the new grasses that have just sprouted, to observe the flowers, to photograph the trees. Writing a poem about the starry night or a song about the poplars.

Here spring is never far away. 

All seasons in Corsica are beautiful and always have new flowers. In January the mimosa bursts into sunlight. In February the violets quiver in the damp undergrowth. 

Et avec l’équinoxe de mars, les hirondelles et les martinets volent devant nos fenêtres. Les arbustes d’aubépine pleurent leurs pétales pâles et légers. Un cliché de printemps.

Bees and bumblebees feast on the asphodel.

In April the mimosas bloom for the second time. They are a lighter yellow than the first ones, the green of their leaves seems to be lighter too.

Mimosa in flower

In May thistles bloom on the beaches.

And St John's wort reappears in June everywhere along roadsides and paths, in meadows, on rocks.

For atelier petites formes, I wanted to follow the rhythm of the seasons and assign the colours of each season to the toys. For this spring 2022, bright and intense colours of green and yellow are invited on the balloons for the joy and promise they offer us.