Cumulonimbus seen from the observation window for free toys

Manifeste pour des jouets libres, des jouets sains pour l’enfant

Dès que le souhait d’être maman s’est fixé très fort dans mon cœur, j’ai naturellement eu envie de fabriquer des petits objets, des mobiles, des jouets libres, des poupons de chiffon, des compagnons en feutrine pour mon enfant. Des jouets spontanés comme on griffonnerait une idée sur un papier volant pour ne pas oublier. Ne pas oublier la beauté de la nature, ne pas oublier la poésie de l’enfance.

I live in Haute-Corse in a village perched on a rock overlooking the sea. The skies are always different in the mornings and evenings, depending on the season. The church chimes the hours and half-hours, but in our village time stretches out to give way to the sun. imaginative play and walks in the mountains and by the sea. Our stay is my workshop and my child's play area.

A small factory of free woollen toys

While devoting myself to my child, I developed little woollen toys that I was already making with great joy and mischief. Today, I hope that Atelier Petites Formes toys will accompany all children with infinite imagination.

I create Atelier Petites Formes toys with my values and my concerns as a mother: to offer free and sustainable toys to children. Toys that leave the field of possibilities open. Toys that respect the environment and the health of children.
My aim is to create beautiful objects for children, using natural, healthy materials.

The choice of shapes, colours and materials resonates with children's sensibilities. 
The free toys Atelier Petites Formes helps to develop children's aesthetic sensibilities by offering them well-made objects with solid, high-quality materials and simple lines that can be used to stimulate the imagination.

Stuffing wool for free play toys Small Shapes

Essential and healthy

Atelier Petites Formes toys are ecological, durable and non-toxic for the environment and children, thanks to the very nature of the merino wool they are made from.
I made the first wool felt ball for my son when he was six months old, and now he plays with it almost every day, and I think for a long time to come.
That's also the beauty of free toys: they live on in children's play, and are sometimes passed down from generation to generation. Favouring good quality toys means making a sustainable and economical purchase.
To find out more about free and sustainable toys.

Petites Formes free toys are great gifts for births or birthdays, to celebrate the poetry of childhood, its games and its emotions.
Offering a Petites Formes toy means choosing a top-of-the-range, original, unique and authentic gift, handmade with love!
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