Why give your child a felt ball made by Atelier Petites Formes

Les ballons de l’atelier petites formes conviennent aux bébés et aux enfants de tous âges. Jouets libres et intemporels, ils accompagneront leurs jeux et leur motricité.

A simple and beautiful toy

Les ballons sont en laine feutrée garantie Oeko-Tex 100, c’est-à-dire sans traitements chimiques, ils sont conformes aux normes “jouets”. Rembourrés de laine naturelle de moutons de Bretagne ou des Pyrénées, les ballons existent en trois tailles: 10 cm de diamètre, 15 cm de diamètre et 20 cm de diamètre.

These hand-sized balls will help your babies and toddlers become aware of movement.

La matière douce et chaude de ces balles de laine sera aimée par l’enfant qui étudiera les facettes de ses balles en les faisant tourner dans ses mains, en les voyant rouler au sol. L’intensité ou la douceur des couleurs choisies résonnent dans la sensibilité de l’enfant, dans la formation de son “bon goût”. 

The ball accompanies the games and supports the child's motor development

The ball is an essential toy that accompanies your child's free play from age to age. Ball play is an activity that allows for gentle interaction while exercising control of the body and strength, in space and time.

The atelier petites formes balloons offer exchanges without noise or injury, exchanges that are laughing and tender.

Babies experiment with gripping the ball, which rolls away if they are not determined enough to catch it. 

At 6 months, babies are discovering new ways to move. The large or medium-sized ball and the two balls are perfect for stimulating their curiosity, both through sensory experience of the material and by practising pinching, catching with their hands, and observing how the object falls and rolls in their play area.

At 12 months, the child enjoys exchanging the ball, catching it, standing up to drop it from his height, squatting to pick it up, standing up again, holding it out to us and repeating all these actions hundreds of times towards mastery of the object and the gesture.

At age 2, the child throws the ball and practices hitting it with his foot.

From the age of 3, multiplayer ball games, such as the tomato game or the basket toss, interest and amuse the child and offer new challenges.

Balloons made to the rhythm of the seasons

The colours of the balloons are chosen according to the season, I consult the colour chart, make sketches with watercolours or coloured pencils, find a palette for my production and assemble the pieces of felt according to my imagination. This makes each balloon unique. 

Collections are designed for spring, summer, autumn and winter and are renewed every year. I prefer felts with natural colours, i.e. with the colours of animal fleeces. My "natural colours" collection is constantly renewed. I also imagine a collection with rainbow colours and monochrome collections (or almost).