5 criteria for choosing your child's toys

It's not always easy to find your way around the world of children's toys, sorting out what's the product of a "designer" and what's not.good"This is a toy that meets our requirements and, above all, our child's needs.

Environmental and human health issues call on us to make a conscious choice about the toys and objects our children will handle and cuddle on a daily basis.

Today I'm sharing with you the 5 selection criteria that will serve as your compass when buying toys for your children. Criteria that reflect your concerns as a parent and your values.

Simple and healthy

A simple toy is one that is well designed, with simple lines that make it legible, identifiable and flexible. A healthy toy is one that is non-toxic to the health of our child's young body. This is important because it forms part of the child's direct, everyday environment.

Beautiful and sober

A beautiful toy helps to awaken a child's aesthetic sensibility. Surrounding yourself with beautiful objects makes you happy. This criterion is also important for parents, because a bazaar of beautiful toys makes the bazaar beautiful.

Solid and durable

A well-made toy, made from noble, natural and durable materials, will accompany the child throughout his or her development, and can even be passed on to younger children, used by all the siblings or passed on to our children's children.


Le bruit, la sur-stimulation de l’ouïe est une pollution pour les petits et les grands, c’est un facteur de stress important qui détourne l’attention et n’encourage pas la concentration. Évidemment l’éveil à la musique et au rythme, passant par le jeu des instruments de musique, n’entre pas dans ce critère 🙃

Free and open

A free toy is one that leaves the child free to use it as they wish. The toy does not have a set way of being used to fulfil a specific purpose.

Does it speak to you?
I'm sure that these 5 criteria will raise questions when you next buy toys for your baby or child.